Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2012
Generated 01-Feb-2012 07:10 Central Standard Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2012
Total Hits 123346
Total Files 108035
Total Pages 11737
Total Visits 4742
Total KBytes 3452414
Total Unique Sites 3253
Total Unique URLs 287
Total Unique Referrers 495
Total Unique User Agents 1273
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 165 1027
Hits per Day 3978 5541
Files per Day 3485 4708
Pages per Day 378 484
Visits per Day 152 193
KBytes per Day 111368 177115
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 108035
Code 206 - Partial Content 160
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1433
Code 302 - Found 50
Code 304 - Not Modified 8033
Code 400 - Bad Request 2
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 5489
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 7
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 135

Daily usage for January 2012

Daily Statistics for January 2012
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2192 1.78% 1997 1.85% 260 2.22% 145 3.06% 137 4.21% 44444 1.29%
2 3027 2.45% 2706 2.50% 263 2.24% 146 3.08% 154 4.73% 75824 2.20%
3 4343 3.52% 3955 3.66% 371 3.16% 168 3.54% 166 5.10% 129773 3.76%
4 4804 3.89% 4059 3.76% 403 3.43% 162 3.42% 172 5.29% 135072 3.91%
5 3840 3.11% 3318 3.07% 417 3.55% 150 3.16% 153 4.70% 93092 2.70%
6 3762 3.05% 3443 3.19% 336 2.86% 157 3.31% 177 5.44% 90876 2.63%
7 2901 2.35% 2753 2.55% 305 2.60% 145 3.06% 167 5.13% 100132 2.90%
8 3791 3.07% 3320 3.07% 484 4.12% 126 2.66% 148 4.55% 88078 2.55%
9 5264 4.27% 4467 4.13% 430 3.66% 165 3.48% 204 6.27% 141294 4.09%
10 4932 4.00% 4432 4.10% 346 2.95% 153 3.23% 201 6.18% 177115 5.13%
11 4177 3.39% 3564 3.30% 369 3.14% 159 3.35% 159 4.89% 112379 3.26%
12 3786 3.07% 3270 3.03% 341 2.91% 167 3.52% 151 4.64% 123824 3.59%
13 3912 3.17% 3497 3.24% 436 3.71% 179 3.77% 178 5.47% 103307 2.99%
14 2344 1.90% 2019 1.87% 255 2.17% 113 2.38% 107 3.29% 54685 1.58%
15 2660 2.16% 2482 2.30% 216 1.84% 115 2.43% 102 3.14% 76842 2.23%
16 3777 3.06% 3529 3.27% 332 2.83% 183 3.86% 170 5.23% 106041 3.07%
17 4291 3.48% 3841 3.56% 390 3.32% 160 3.37% 218 6.70% 119868 3.47%
18 5008 4.06% 4517 4.18% 391 3.33% 175 3.69% 174 5.35% 140807 4.08%
19 5057 4.10% 4257 3.94% 483 4.12% 182 3.84% 160 4.92% 159663 4.62%
20 5416 4.39% 4708 4.36% 418 3.56% 176 3.71% 186 5.72% 147138 4.26%
21 3358 2.72% 2760 2.55% 482 4.11% 154 3.25% 141 4.33% 86909 2.52%
22 2913 2.36% 2488 2.30% 482 4.11% 137 2.89% 126 3.87% 78719 2.28%
23 5541 4.49% 4611 4.27% 473 4.03% 145 3.06% 132 4.06% 139940 4.05%
24 4805 3.90% 3798 3.52% 431 3.67% 137 2.89% 164 5.04% 123921 3.59%
25 4473 3.63% 3691 3.42% 473 4.03% 193 4.07% 185 5.69% 123595 3.58%
26 4356 3.53% 3676 3.40% 403 3.43% 162 3.42% 180 5.53% 101627 2.94%
27 3946 3.20% 3678 3.40% 369 3.14% 136 2.87% 136 4.18% 120187 3.48%
28 3222 2.61% 2899 2.68% 331 2.82% 126 2.66% 128 3.93% 108322 3.14%
29 3310 2.68% 3119 2.89% 298 2.54% 142 2.99% 176 5.41% 113260 3.28%
30 4471 3.62% 4008 3.71% 436 3.71% 144 3.04% 168 5.16% 144850 4.20%
31 3667 2.97% 3173 2.94% 313 2.67% 141 2.97% 164 5.04% 90830 2.63%

Hourly usage for January 2012

Hourly Statistics for January 2012
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 69 2141 1.74% 61 1903 1.76% 7 246 2.10% 1650 51149 1.48%
1 78 2446 1.98% 73 2268 2.10% 9 299 2.55% 2038 63170 1.83%
2 30 939 0.76% 28 885 0.82% 5 159 1.35% 561 17380 0.50%
3 29 927 0.75% 27 851 0.79% 8 273 2.33% 814 25229 0.73%
4 36 1131 0.92% 34 1081 1.00% 6 191 1.63% 924 28631 0.83%
5 20 630 0.51% 19 598 0.55% 6 206 1.76% 562 17409 0.50%
6 50 1559 1.26% 44 1382 1.28% 9 297 2.53% 1373 42573 1.23%
7 63 1956 1.59% 57 1768 1.64% 11 350 2.98% 1398 43337 1.26%
8 162 5045 4.09% 133 4144 3.84% 15 468 3.99% 4799 148770 4.31%
9 232 7199 5.84% 187 5822 5.39% 20 621 5.29% 6114 189546 5.49%
10 262 8144 6.60% 216 6710 6.21% 20 650 5.54% 6906 214099 6.20%
11 246 7630 6.19% 213 6632 6.14% 19 601 5.12% 7378 228722 6.62%
12 203 6320 5.12% 184 5714 5.29% 20 636 5.42% 5381 166815 4.83%
13 227 7056 5.72% 197 6134 5.68% 19 605 5.15% 6103 189190 5.48%
14 302 9362 7.59% 251 7785 7.21% 24 774 6.59% 8733 270727 7.84%
15 237 7369 5.97% 206 6411 5.93% 23 714 6.08% 6863 212764 6.16%
16 288 8949 7.26% 252 7828 7.25% 24 762 6.49% 8038 249180 7.22%
17 241 7480 6.06% 210 6537 6.05% 22 709 6.04% 6586 204175 5.91%
18 191 5924 4.80% 173 5372 4.97% 15 492 4.19% 5937 184038 5.33%
19 223 6925 5.61% 203 6311 5.84% 23 733 6.25% 6700 207708 6.02%
20 245 7623 6.18% 220 6832 6.32% 18 584 4.98% 7372 228524 6.62%
21 225 7000 5.68% 204 6349 5.88% 18 586 4.99% 6746 209134 6.06%
22 179 5550 4.50% 163 5057 4.68% 14 453 3.86% 5208 161463 4.68%
23 130 4041 3.28% 118 3661 3.39% 10 328 2.79% 3183 98682 2.86%

Top 30 of 287 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3060 2.48% 49529 1.43% /
2 2437 1.98% 12860 0.37% /style.css
3 1805 1.46% 22576 0.65% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
4 1639 1.33% 176259 5.11% /products_rewrite.asp
5 1537 1.25% 376 0.01% /robots.txt
6 1289 1.05% 81005 2.35% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
7 1230 1.00% 13083 0.38% /highslide/highslide.css
8 1189 0.96% 691 0.02% /highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur
9 1050 0.85% 598 0.02% /highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur
10 813 0.66% 9993 0.29% /application_rewrite.asp
11 772 0.63% 671 0.02% /Product.js
12 746 0.60% 568 0.02%
13 660 0.54% 9084 0.26% /products_app_rewrite.asp
14 434 0.35% 12939 0.37% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
15 374 0.30% 87059 2.52% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
16 230 0.19% 1720 0.05% /contactus_rewrite.asp
17 156 0.13% 1351 0.04% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
18 143 0.12% 3689 0.11% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp
19 99 0.08% 1043 0.03% /downloads_rewrite.asp
20 94 0.08% 604 0.02% /chat_rewrite.asp
21 94 0.08% 1371 0.04% /sitemap.xml
22 79 0.06% 696 0.02% /enquiry-form_rewrite.asp
23 79 0.06% 620 0.02% /whats-new_rewrite.asp
24 71 0.06% 559 0.02% /product-recycling_rewrite.asp
25 60 0.05% 391 0.01% /news_details_rewrite.asp
26 55 0.04% 45 0.00% /CAPTCHA/CAPTCHA_image.asp
27 55 0.04% 421 0.01% /resources.asp
28 51 0.04% 222 0.01% /sitemap.html
29 24 0.02% 432 0.01% /shoppingCart_rewrite.asp
30 15 0.01% 223 0.01% /shoppingcart_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 287 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1639 1.33% 176259 5.11% /products_rewrite.asp
2 374 0.30% 87059 2.52% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
3 1289 1.05% 81005 2.35% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
4 3060 2.48% 49529 1.43% /
5 1805 1.46% 22576 0.65% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
6 1230 1.00% 13083 0.38% /highslide/highslide.css
7 434 0.35% 12939 0.37% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
8 2437 1.98% 12860 0.37% /style.css
9 813 0.66% 9993 0.29% /application_rewrite.asp
10 660 0.54% 9084 0.26% /products_app_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 24 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3060 2.48% 2511 54.54% /
2 1805 1.46% 668 14.51% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 1639 1.33% 358 7.78% /products_rewrite.asp
4 813 0.66% 276 5.99% /application_rewrite.asp
5 660 0.54% 256 5.56% /products_app_rewrite.asp
6 374 0.30% 113 2.45% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 156 0.13% 77 1.67% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
8 434 0.35% 68 1.48% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
9 230 0.19% 55 1.19% /contactus_rewrite.asp
10 143 0.12% 38 0.83% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 24 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3060 2.48% 1766 38.02% /
2 1805 1.46% 874 18.82% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 1639 1.33% 593 12.77% /products_rewrite.asp
4 660 0.54% 328 7.06% /products_app_rewrite.asp
5 813 0.66% 295 6.35% /application_rewrite.asp
6 374 0.30% 172 3.70% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 434 0.35% 115 2.48% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
8 230 0.19% 111 2.39% /contactus_rewrite.asp
9 156 0.13% 72 1.55% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
10 143 0.12% 55 1.18% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp

Top 30 of 3253 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1317 1.07% 713 0.66% 20864 0.60% 3 0.06%
2 699 0.57% 105 0.10% 9367 0.27% 3 0.06%
3 645 0.52% 240 0.22% 18922 0.55% 2 0.04%
4 560 0.45% 468 0.43% 9137 0.26% 13 0.27%
5 514 0.42% 479 0.44% 9648 0.28% 1 0.02%
6 483 0.39% 321 0.30% 7284 0.21% 29 0.61%
7 424 0.34% 305 0.28% 8949 0.26% 6 0.13%
8 408 0.33% 326 0.30% 6346 0.18% 9 0.19%
9 400 0.32% 310 0.29% 13080 0.38% 156 3.29%
10 376 0.30% 372 0.34% 5673 0.16% 1 0.02%
11 365 0.30% 206 0.19% 5432 0.16% 3 0.06%
12 363 0.29% 361 0.33% 3367 0.10% 110 2.32%
13 360 0.29% 289 0.27% 5641 0.16% 8 0.17%
14 343 0.28% 334 0.31% 22337 0.65% 4 0.08%
15 337 0.27% 335 0.31% 2814 0.08% 109 2.30%
16 324 0.26% 226 0.21% 14525 0.42% 1 0.02%
17 323 0.26% 105 0.10% 7595 0.22% 3 0.06%
18 317 0.26% 275 0.25% 15957 0.46% 6 0.13%
19 316 0.26% 269 0.25% 5808 0.17% 2 0.04%
20 303 0.25% 139 0.13% 8212 0.24% 3 0.06%
21 302 0.24% 206 0.19% 5201 0.15% 3 0.06%
22 297 0.24% 253 0.23% 4922 0.14% 7 0.15%
23 257 0.21% 224 0.21% 5030 0.15% 5 0.11%
24 257 0.21% 202 0.19% 4807 0.14% 7 0.15%
25 255 0.21% 220 0.20% 14707 0.43% 2 0.04%
26 253 0.21% 250 0.23% 10442 0.30% 3 0.06%
27 252 0.20% 248 0.23% 15873 0.46% 1 0.02%
28 249 0.20% 81 0.07% 2780 0.08% 1 0.02%
29 243 0.20% 237 0.22% 8505 0.25% 4 0.08%
30 232 0.19% 181 0.17% 2974 0.09% 2 0.04%

Top 10 of 3253 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 343 0.28% 334 0.31% 22337 0.65% 4 0.08%
2 1317 1.07% 713 0.66% 20864 0.60% 3 0.06%
3 645 0.52% 240 0.22% 18922 0.55% 2 0.04%
4 317 0.26% 275 0.25% 15957 0.46% 6 0.13%
5 252 0.20% 248 0.23% 15873 0.46% 1 0.02%
6 255 0.21% 220 0.20% 14707 0.43% 2 0.04%
7 324 0.26% 226 0.21% 14525 0.42% 1 0.02%
8 219 0.18% 200 0.19% 13657 0.40% 2 0.04%
9 400 0.32% 310 0.29% 13080 0.38% 156 3.29%
10 177 0.14% 152 0.14% 12719 0.37% 2 0.04%

Top 30 of 495 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 58930 47.78%
2 15159 12.29%
3 12633 10.24% - (Direct Request)
4 3385 2.74%
5 3007 2.44%
6 1859 1.51%
7 1681 1.36%
8 1464 1.19%
9 1131 0.92%
10 1130 0.92%
11 1042 0.84%
12 1028 0.83%
13 929 0.75%
14 899 0.73%
15 745 0.60%
16 546 0.44%
17 546 0.44%
18 539 0.44%
19 515 0.42%
20 500 0.41%
21 491 0.40%
22 481 0.39%
23 479 0.39%
24 445 0.36%
25 437 0.35%
26 434 0.35%
27 424 0.34%
28 416 0.34%
29 400 0.32%
30 366 0.30%

Top 20 of 175 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 7 2.73% speeder coins
2 5 1.95% coin meters for washing machines
3 4 1.56% coin timer
4 4 1.56% driving range tokens
5 4 1.56% speeder ltd
6 4 1.56% tokens
7 3 1.17% claire's accessories free tokens
8 3 1.17% coin meter for electricity
9 3 1.17% coin operated meters
10 3 1.17% freedom token
11 3 1.17% toilet coin operated do-
12 2 0.78% alto vacuum tokens
13 2 0.78% alto wap tokens
14 2 0.78% amazon gift token
15 2 0.78% appliance coin meters
16 2 0.78% brass eagle freedom token
17 2 0.78% british ww2 rationing tokens
18 2 0.78% c-
19 2 0.78% canterbury kent token 1791
20 2 0.78% coin mechanism v-

Top 15 of 1273 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 6508 5.28% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/5.0)
2 3752 3.04% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.0;+Trident/5.0)
3 3311 2.68% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.75+Safari/535.7
4 3235 2.62% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0)
5 3100 2.51% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1;+rv:9.0.1)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/9.0.1
6 3052 2.47% Mozilla/5.0+(iPad;+CPU+OS+5_0_1+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit/534.46+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.1+Mobile/9A405+Safari/7534.48.3
7 2647 2.15% Mozilla/5.0+(iPhone;+CPU+iPhone+OS+5_0_1+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit/534.46+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.1+Mobile/9A405+Safari/7534.48.3
8 2479 2.01% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.75+Safari/535.7
9 2181 1.77% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.0)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.75+Safari/535.7
10 2107 1.71% Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_6_8)+AppleWebKit/534.52.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.1.2+Safari/534.52.7
11 2104 1.71% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+rv:9.0.1)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/9.0.1
12 1670 1.35% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.75+Safari/535.7
13 1265 1.03% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/535.7+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/16.0.912.77+Safari/535.7
14 1144 0.93% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+bingbot/2.0;++
15 1090 0.88% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+Trident/4.0;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729)

Usage by Country for January 2012

Top 30 of 62 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 58708 47.60% 51812 47.96% 1754154 50.81% US Commercial
2 24758 20.07% 21010 19.45% 585556 16.96% Network
3 21220 17.20% 18823 17.42% 556293 16.11% Unresolved/Unknown
4 11486 9.31% 9780 9.05% 373225 10.81% United Kingdom
5 890 0.72% 798 0.74% 24700 0.72% Ireland
6 810 0.66% 756 0.70% 14754 0.43% India
7 531 0.43% 523 0.48% 16824 0.49% Canada
8 454 0.37% 435 0.40% 13374 0.39% Australia
9 378 0.31% 320 0.30% 5926 0.17% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
10 323 0.26% 307 0.28% 4684 0.14% Germany
11 315 0.26% 242 0.22% 10055 0.29% Netherlands
12 302 0.24% 290 0.27% 4273 0.12% Russian Federation
13 214 0.17% 204 0.19% 4526 0.13% Belgium
14 213 0.17% 153 0.14% 4329 0.13% Italy
15 204 0.17% 180 0.17% 3329 0.10% Non-Profit Organization
16 191 0.15% 183 0.17% 5392 0.16% Lithuania
17 173 0.14% 161 0.15% 3353 0.10% Spain
18 160 0.13% 154 0.14% 7818 0.23% Mexico
19 158 0.13% 155 0.14% 8716 0.25% Switzerland
20 144 0.12% 138 0.13% 2301 0.07% France
21 114 0.09% 102 0.09% 6897 0.20% Norway
22 105 0.09% 101 0.09% 1336 0.04% South Africa
23 102 0.08% 81 0.07% 963 0.03% Ukraine
24 97 0.08% 94 0.09% 1567 0.05% Poland
25 95 0.08% 93 0.09% 6709 0.19% Colombia
26 92 0.07% 92 0.09% 7853 0.23% Japan
27 79 0.06% 76 0.07% 5770 0.17% Romania
28 77 0.06% 73 0.07% 1430 0.04% Greece
29 70 0.06% 68 0.06% 1093 0.03% Denmark
30 68 0.06% 60 0.06% 1994 0.06% Argentina

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01