Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2011
Generated 01-Oct-2011 06:16 Central Daylight Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2011
Total Hits 106381
Total Files 92088
Total Pages 12690
Total Visits 4533
Total KBytes 2824815
Total Unique Sites 2820
Total Unique URLs 300
Total Unique Referrers 515
Total Unique User Agents 1255
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 147 785
Hits per Day 3546 5080
Files per Day 3069 4230
Pages per Day 423 818
Visits per Day 151 206
KBytes per Day 94160 150585
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 92088
Code 206 - Partial Content 205
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1169
Code 302 - Found 81
Code 304 - Not Modified 7590
Code 400 - Bad Request 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 2
Code 404 - Not Found 5108
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 2
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 135

Daily usage for September 2011

Daily Statistics for September 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 5070 4.77% 4230 4.59% 509 4.01% 206 4.54% 180 6.38% 150585 5.33%
2 3441 3.23% 2972 3.23% 416 3.28% 163 3.60% 169 5.99% 90610 3.21%
3 2685 2.52% 2502 2.72% 292 2.30% 150 3.31% 125 4.43% 79230 2.80%
4 3082 2.90% 2762 3.00% 398 3.14% 154 3.40% 145 5.14% 86224 3.05%
5 3839 3.61% 3225 3.50% 444 3.50% 177 3.90% 177 6.28% 125709 4.45%
6 4765 4.48% 3972 4.31% 504 3.97% 195 4.30% 194 6.88% 136137 4.82%
7 5080 4.78% 4065 4.41% 660 5.20% 177 3.90% 154 5.46% 128136 4.54%
8 4595 4.32% 3776 4.10% 530 4.18% 170 3.75% 179 6.35% 103718 3.67%
9 3739 3.51% 3237 3.52% 478 3.77% 154 3.40% 152 5.39% 110304 3.90%
10 3008 2.83% 2592 2.81% 387 3.05% 172 3.79% 141 5.00% 79227 2.80%
11 3034 2.85% 2744 2.98% 462 3.64% 137 3.02% 160 5.67% 82022 2.90%
12 4640 4.36% 3892 4.23% 818 6.45% 162 3.57% 146 5.18% 115145 4.08%
13 4823 4.53% 4210 4.57% 505 3.98% 161 3.55% 141 5.00% 144491 5.12%
14 4525 4.25% 3882 4.22% 452 3.56% 173 3.82% 181 6.42% 95473 3.38%
15 3131 2.94% 2499 2.71% 406 3.20% 121 2.67% 126 4.47% 83241 2.95%
16 2877 2.70% 2593 2.82% 360 2.84% 141 3.11% 139 4.93% 68399 2.42%
17 1935 1.82% 1782 1.94% 288 2.27% 113 2.49% 98 3.48% 54338 1.92%
18 2839 2.67% 2577 2.80% 354 2.79% 122 2.69% 93 3.30% 80604 2.85%
19 3848 3.62% 3215 3.49% 393 3.10% 151 3.33% 141 5.00% 103069 3.65%
20 3924 3.69% 3529 3.83% 423 3.33% 157 3.46% 185 6.56% 108180 3.83%
21 4341 4.08% 3790 4.12% 474 3.74% 162 3.57% 152 5.39% 88210 3.12%
22 2363 2.22% 2098 2.28% 261 2.06% 120 2.65% 118 4.18% 54425 1.93%
23 4340 4.08% 3823 4.15% 420 3.31% 166 3.66% 206 7.30% 122062 4.32%
24 1886 1.77% 1689 1.83% 269 2.12% 116 2.56% 87 3.09% 46216 1.64%
25 2637 2.48% 2373 2.58% 308 2.43% 122 2.69% 99 3.51% 82445 2.92%
26 3420 3.21% 2910 3.16% 392 3.09% 134 2.96% 170 6.03% 88063 3.12%
27 3669 3.45% 3232 3.51% 494 3.89% 148 3.26% 135 4.79% 87701 3.10%
28 3254 3.06% 2920 3.17% 340 2.68% 132 2.91% 134 4.75% 102736 3.64%
29 3099 2.91% 2748 2.98% 349 2.75% 147 3.24% 148 5.25% 66212 2.34%
30 2492 2.34% 2249 2.44% 304 2.40% 135 2.98% 186 6.60% 61906 2.19%

Hourly usage for September 2011

Hourly Statistics for September 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 64 1949 1.83% 58 1765 1.92% 8 251 1.98% 1598 47951 1.70%
1 50 1503 1.41% 44 1341 1.46% 10 306 2.41% 1302 39046 1.38%
2 27 836 0.79% 24 749 0.81% 8 253 1.99% 832 24972 0.88%
3 33 1002 0.94% 30 912 0.99% 13 398 3.14% 468 14034 0.50%
4 30 922 0.87% 27 821 0.89% 8 269 2.12% 698 20925 0.74%
5 35 1061 1.00% 31 943 1.02% 9 273 2.15% 675 20250 0.72%
6 59 1796 1.69% 52 1560 1.69% 9 283 2.23% 1459 43771 1.55%
7 122 3687 3.47% 105 3173 3.45% 18 550 4.33% 3099 92982 3.29%
8 152 4568 4.29% 131 3930 4.27% 18 548 4.32% 4426 132784 4.70%
9 199 5978 5.62% 158 4749 5.16% 21 637 5.02% 4938 148144 5.24%
10 182 5485 5.16% 159 4780 5.19% 21 636 5.01% 4448 133440 4.72%
11 187 5622 5.28% 152 4588 4.98% 24 741 5.84% 4353 130587 4.62%
12 231 6952 6.54% 200 6002 6.52% 23 713 5.62% 6391 191724 6.79%
13 255 7669 7.21% 222 6660 7.23% 26 800 6.30% 5736 172082 6.09%
14 251 7555 7.10% 212 6375 6.92% 40 1202 9.47% 6850 205506 7.28%
15 260 7815 7.35% 228 6866 7.46% 23 692 5.45% 7477 224308 7.94%
16 185 5567 5.23% 164 4938 5.36% 20 622 4.90% 5437 163098 5.77%
17 182 5481 5.15% 162 4867 5.29% 15 471 3.71% 5454 163617 5.79%
18 212 6368 5.99% 193 5816 6.32% 19 579 4.56% 5757 172716 6.11%
19 235 7054 6.63% 199 5977 6.49% 20 624 4.92% 5808 174254 6.17%
20 210 6327 5.95% 190 5722 6.21% 20 603 4.75% 6262 187869 6.65%
21 177 5338 5.02% 159 4789 5.20% 17 516 4.07% 5489 164669 5.83%
22 135 4069 3.82% 106 3201 3.48% 14 426 3.36% 3530 105900 3.75%
23 59 1777 1.67% 52 1564 1.70% 9 297 2.34% 1673 50184 1.78%

Top 30 of 300 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2841 2.67% 44789 1.59% /
2 2381 2.24% 26625 0.94% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 2349 2.21% 11170 0.40% /style.css
4 1857 1.75% 157489 5.58% /products_rewrite.asp
5 1401 1.32% 12912 0.46% /highslide/highslide.css
6 1229 1.16% 76312 2.70% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
7 1119 1.05% 640 0.02% /highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur
8 1039 0.98% 11632 0.41% /application_rewrite.asp
9 992 0.93% 569 0.02% /highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur
10 898 0.84% 255 0.01% /robots.txt
11 730 0.69% 632 0.02% /Product.js
12 730 0.69% 9370 0.33% /products_app_rewrite.asp
13 411 0.39% 12290 0.44% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
14 339 0.32% 404 0.01%
15 324 0.30% 96123 3.40% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
16 236 0.22% 1744 0.06% /contactus_rewrite.asp
17 193 0.18% 4796 0.17% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp
18 176 0.17% 1416 0.05% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
19 125 0.12% 1287 0.05% /downloads_rewrite.asp
20 110 0.10% 849 0.03% /product-recycling_rewrite.asp
21 109 0.10% 813 0.03% /whats-new_rewrite.asp
22 103 0.10% 604 0.02% /chat_rewrite.asp
23 95 0.09% 1310 0.05% /sitemap.xml
24 92 0.09% 510 0.02% /news_details_rewrite.asp
25 91 0.09% 697 0.02% /enquiry-form_rewrite.asp
26 72 0.07% 359 0.01% /sitemap.html
27 65 0.06% 499 0.02% /resources.asp
28 52 0.05% 40 0.00% /CAPTCHA/CAPTCHA_image.asp
29 31 0.03% 572 0.02% /shoppingCart_rewrite.asp
30 22 0.02% 195 0.01% /adn/Home/LeftNavi.asp

Top 10 of 300 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1857 1.75% 157489 5.58% /products_rewrite.asp
2 324 0.30% 96123 3.40% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
3 1229 1.16% 76312 2.70% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
4 2841 2.67% 44789 1.59% /
5 2381 2.24% 26625 0.94% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
6 1401 1.32% 12912 0.46% /highslide/highslide.css
7 411 0.39% 12290 0.44% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
8 1039 0.98% 11632 0.41% /application_rewrite.asp
9 2349 2.21% 11170 0.40% /style.css
10 730 0.69% 9370 0.33% /products_app_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 20 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2841 2.67% 2152 48.48% /
2 2381 2.24% 832 18.74% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 1857 1.75% 384 8.65% /products_rewrite.asp
4 1039 0.98% 288 6.49% /application_rewrite.asp
5 730 0.69% 260 5.86% /products_app_rewrite.asp
6 324 0.30% 134 3.02% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 176 0.17% 65 1.46% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
8 236 0.22% 60 1.35% /contactus_rewrite.asp
9 92 0.09% 46 1.04% /news_details_rewrite.asp
10 193 0.18% 39 0.88% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 28 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2841 2.67% 1468 32.86% /
2 2381 2.24% 1050 23.51% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 1857 1.75% 571 12.78% /products_rewrite.asp
4 1039 0.98% 318 7.12% /application_rewrite.asp
5 730 0.69% 317 7.10% /products_app_rewrite.asp
6 324 0.30% 176 3.94% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 411 0.39% 97 2.17% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
8 236 0.22% 95 2.13% /contactus_rewrite.asp
9 176 0.17% 65 1.46% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
10 92 0.09% 51 1.14% /news_details_rewrite.asp

Top 30 of 2820 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1677 1.58% 1357 1.47% 58121 2.06% 20 0.44%
2 1583 1.49% 1527 1.66% 27621 0.98% 255 5.63%
3 1323 1.24% 930 1.01% 25388 0.90% 441 9.73%
4 651 0.61% 535 0.58% 30900 1.09% 5 0.11%
5 557 0.52% 468 0.51% 9136 0.32% 13 0.29%
6 372 0.35% 113 0.12% 7358 0.26% 1 0.02%
7 357 0.34% 48 0.05% 1232 0.04% 1 0.02%
8 349 0.33% 339 0.37% 20359 0.72% 234 5.16%
9 337 0.32% 81 0.09% 2721 0.10% 1 0.02%
10 333 0.31% 305 0.33% 16993 0.60% 10 0.22%
11 302 0.28% 279 0.30% 5260 0.19% 7 0.15%
12 299 0.28% 156 0.17% 2587 0.09% 3 0.07%
13 299 0.28% 100 0.11% 7224 0.26% 1 0.02%
14 296 0.28% 81 0.09% 1945 0.07% 1 0.02%
15 289 0.27% 95 0.10% 7171 0.25% 1 0.02%
16 281 0.26% 212 0.23% 3798 0.13% 4 0.09%
17 279 0.26% 163 0.18% 3231 0.11% 2 0.04%
18 277 0.26% 184 0.20% 2904 0.10% 12 0.26%
19 276 0.26% 272 0.30% 12819 0.45% 8 0.18%
20 270 0.25% 72 0.08% 2292 0.08% 1 0.02%
21 249 0.23% 213 0.23% 14569 0.52% 3 0.07%
22 240 0.23% 212 0.23% 13840 0.49% 2 0.04%
23 222 0.21% 83 0.09% 2615 0.09% 1 0.02%
24 219 0.21% 103 0.11% 7151 0.25% 1 0.02%
25 218 0.20% 162 0.18% 9542 0.34% 2 0.04%
26 211 0.20% 119 0.13% 2548 0.09% 2 0.04%
27 211 0.20% 58 0.06% 900 0.03% 1 0.02%
28 211 0.20% 211 0.23% 4607 0.16% 22 0.49%
29 209 0.20% 207 0.22% 3609 0.13% 2 0.04%
30 207 0.19% 137 0.15% 2157 0.08% 2 0.04%

Top 10 of 2820 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1677 1.58% 1357 1.47% 58121 2.06% 20 0.44%
2 651 0.61% 535 0.58% 30900 1.09% 5 0.11%
3 1583 1.49% 1527 1.66% 27621 0.98% 255 5.63%
4 1323 1.24% 930 1.01% 25388 0.90% 441 9.73%
5 349 0.33% 339 0.37% 20359 0.72% 234 5.16%
6 333 0.31% 305 0.33% 16993 0.60% 10 0.22%
7 249 0.23% 213 0.23% 14569 0.52% 3 0.07%
8 240 0.23% 212 0.23% 13840 0.49% 2 0.04%
9 200 0.19% 196 0.21% 13464 0.48% 2 0.04%
10 190 0.18% 186 0.20% 13425 0.48% 2 0.04%

Top 30 of 515 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 47432 44.59%
2 11571 10.88%
3 11251 10.58% - (Direct Request)
4 2925 2.75%
5 2897 2.72%
6 1882 1.77%
7 1577 1.48%
8 1162 1.09%
9 1063 1.00%
10 925 0.87%
11 924 0.87%
12 915 0.86%
13 869 0.82%
14 835 0.78%
15 786 0.74%
16 748 0.70%
17 711 0.67%
18 690 0.65%
19 625 0.59%
20 597 0.56%
21 580 0.55%
22 515 0.48%
23 514 0.48%
24 509 0.48%
25 489 0.46%
26 419 0.39%
27 408 0.38%
28 380 0.36%
29 369 0.35%
30 358 0.34%

Top 20 of 154 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 6 2.49% coin operated electricity meters
2 6 2.49% tokens
3 4 1.66% coin meters for washing machines
4 4 1.66% greenwald laundry tokens
5 4 1.66% key meter a 5 b token 1
6 4 1.66% microcoin sp manual
7 4 1.66% speeder ltd
8 4 1.66% token
9 4 1.66% where can i b-
10 3 1.24% coin op electric metre
11 3 1.24% coin operated gas meters
12 3 1.24% coin operated timer
13 2 0.83% _ type -
14 2 0.83% aircon coin operated
15 2 0.83% anybody selling myfreecams accounts with tokens
16 2 0.83% birthday tokens
17 2 0.83% buy coin box for electrical appliances
18 2 0.83% buy token box
19 2 0.83% cheap plastic tokens
20 2 0.83% coin acceptor

Top 15 of 1255 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4214 3.96% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/5.0)
2 3504 3.29% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.0;+Trident/5.0)
3 2468 2.32% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.1+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/13.0.782.220+Safari/535.1
4 2417 2.27% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0)
5 2107 1.98% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1;+rv:6.0.2)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/6.0.2
6 2019 1.90% Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_6_8)+AppleWebKit/534.50+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.1+Safari/534.50
7 1821 1.71% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/535.1+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/13.0.782.220+Safari/535.1
8 1724 1.62% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+bingbot/2.0;++
9 1520 1.43% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+rv:6.0.2)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/6.0.2
10 1478 1.39% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/535.1+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/14.0.835.186+Safari/535.1
11 1418 1.33% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Yahoo!+Slurp;+)
12 1315 1.24% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+Trident/4.0;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729)
13 981 0.92% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/535.1+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/14.0.835.186+Safari/535.1
14 919 0.86% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1)+AppleWebKit/535.1+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/13.0.782.220+Safari/535.1
15 831 0.78% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/534.50+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.1+Safari/534.50

Usage by Country for September 2011

Top 30 of 47 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 50879 47.83% 44843 48.70% 1410935 49.95% US Commercial
2 20382 19.16% 17427 18.92% 522470 18.50% Network
3 16971 15.95% 14562 15.81% 357790 12.67% Unresolved/Unknown
4 11426 10.74% 9696 10.53% 383449 13.57% United Kingdom
5 956 0.90% 807 0.88% 21914 0.78% Australia
6 870 0.82% 535 0.58% 24113 0.85% Russian Federation
7 865 0.81% 725 0.79% 17316 0.61% France
8 598 0.56% 542 0.59% 19906 0.70% Ireland
9 373 0.35% 359 0.39% 5526 0.20% Germany
10 363 0.34% 217 0.24% 3805 0.13% Cyprus
11 348 0.33% 307 0.33% 4832 0.17% India
12 292 0.27% 197 0.21% 3063 0.11% Netherlands
13 165 0.16% 140 0.15% 2897 0.10% Non-Profit Organization
14 163 0.15% 151 0.16% 7504 0.27% Iceland
15 162 0.15% 140 0.15% 7433 0.26% Italy
16 151 0.14% 144 0.16% 2037 0.07% Greece
17 124 0.12% 118 0.13% 1909 0.07% South Africa
18 107 0.10% 102 0.11% 7346 0.26% Romania
19 106 0.10% 102 0.11% 2101 0.07% Switzerland
20 91 0.09% 87 0.09% 1269 0.04% Turkey
21 88 0.08% 81 0.09% 1825 0.06% Canada
22 86 0.08% 85 0.09% 3448 0.12% Lithuania
23 85 0.08% 46 0.05% 862 0.03% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
24 81 0.08% 80 0.09% 1689 0.06% Estonia
25 63 0.06% 61 0.07% 1026 0.04% Indonesia
26 62 0.06% 61 0.07% 781 0.03% Portugal
27 61 0.06% 59 0.06% 937 0.03% Colombia
28 61 0.06% 60 0.07% 621 0.02% Philippines
29 59 0.06% 59 0.06% 921 0.03% Finland
30 51 0.05% 50 0.05% 410 0.01% Sweden

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01