Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2011
Generated 01-Aug-2011 06:06 Central Daylight Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2011
Total Hits 113236
Total Files 95160
Total Pages 15465
Total Visits 5564
Total KBytes 1981024
Total Unique Sites 3289
Total Unique URLs 266
Total Unique Referrers 543
Total Unique User Agents 1561
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 152 885
Hits per Day 3652 5424
Files per Day 3069 4505
Pages per Day 498 725
Visits per Day 179 222
KBytes per Day 63904 95391
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 95160
Code 206 - Partial Content 71
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1393
Code 302 - Found 107
Code 304 - Not Modified 8947
Code 400 - Bad Request 10
Code 403 - Forbidden 602
Code 404 - Not Found 6631
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 1
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 8
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 306

Daily usage for July 2011

Daily Statistics for July 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 3440 3.04% 2750 2.89% 465 3.01% 157 2.82% 173 5.26% 58080 2.93%
2 2004 1.77% 1695 1.78% 469 3.03% 158 2.84% 148 4.50% 33357 1.68%
3 2268 2.00% 1996 2.10% 313 2.02% 151 2.71% 154 4.68% 43464 2.19%
4 3993 3.53% 3474 3.65% 463 2.99% 179 3.22% 178 5.41% 64067 3.23%
5 4249 3.75% 3693 3.88% 510 3.30% 187 3.36% 168 5.11% 70886 3.58%
6 4188 3.70% 3435 3.61% 612 3.96% 199 3.58% 240 7.30% 72011 3.64%
7 4233 3.74% 3311 3.48% 596 3.85% 222 3.99% 235 7.15% 64580 3.26%
8 3646 3.22% 3149 3.31% 454 2.94% 205 3.68% 220 6.69% 66510 3.36%
9 2890 2.55% 2647 2.78% 440 2.85% 178 3.20% 191 5.81% 57357 2.90%
10 3162 2.79% 2854 3.00% 410 2.65% 195 3.50% 206 6.26% 56040 2.83%
11 4280 3.78% 3624 3.81% 543 3.51% 187 3.36% 192 5.84% 78926 3.98%
12 3765 3.32% 3139 3.30% 367 2.37% 179 3.22% 243 7.39% 68861 3.48%
13 2827 2.50% 2452 2.58% 372 2.41% 195 3.50% 220 6.69% 51403 2.59%
14 4381 3.87% 3685 3.87% 644 4.16% 216 3.88% 205 6.23% 78249 3.95%
15 3078 2.72% 2595 2.73% 510 3.30% 183 3.29% 214 6.51% 50613 2.55%
16 3000 2.65% 2568 2.70% 562 3.63% 153 2.75% 187 5.69% 52724 2.66%
17 3440 3.04% 3022 3.18% 485 3.14% 162 2.91% 200 6.08% 67544 3.41%
18 4808 4.25% 4059 4.27% 725 4.69% 202 3.63% 196 5.96% 83828 4.23%
19 5424 4.79% 4505 4.73% 690 4.46% 210 3.77% 231 7.02% 95391 4.82%
20 5127 4.53% 3942 4.14% 614 3.97% 172 3.09% 196 5.96% 89805 4.53%
21 3825 3.38% 3289 3.46% 462 2.99% 199 3.58% 198 6.02% 73048 3.69%
22 4073 3.60% 3317 3.49% 562 3.63% 183 3.29% 194 5.90% 62695 3.16%
23 2371 2.09% 1929 2.03% 348 2.25% 129 2.32% 123 3.74% 39573 2.00%
24 2916 2.58% 2624 2.76% 465 3.01% 149 2.68% 160 4.86% 54707 2.76%
25 4435 3.92% 3802 4.00% 485 3.14% 198 3.56% 201 6.11% 78725 3.97%
26 4292 3.79% 3424 3.60% 412 2.66% 174 3.13% 205 6.23% 73255 3.70%
27 4247 3.75% 3282 3.45% 565 3.65% 175 3.15% 190 5.78% 75570 3.81%
28 3380 2.98% 2810 2.95% 529 3.42% 151 2.71% 161 4.90% 53866 2.72%
29 4075 3.60% 3488 3.67% 540 3.49% 210 3.77% 217 6.60% 75688 3.82%
30 2410 2.13% 1887 1.98% 393 2.54% 143 2.57% 137 4.17% 37901 1.91%
31 3009 2.66% 2713 2.85% 460 2.97% 170 3.06% 168 5.11% 52295 2.64%

Hourly usage for July 2011

Hourly Statistics for July 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 54 1689 1.49% 49 1522 1.60% 12 382 2.47% 987 30592 1.54%
1 37 1171 1.03% 32 1014 1.07% 6 202 1.31% 783 24268 1.23%
2 32 1005 0.89% 28 891 0.94% 9 301 1.95% 534 16554 0.84%
3 31 991 0.88% 27 837 0.88% 10 317 2.05% 608 18848 0.95%
4 52 1618 1.43% 47 1468 1.54% 19 589 3.81% 852 26399 1.33%
5 48 1502 1.33% 41 1286 1.35% 11 363 2.35% 841 26075 1.32%
6 58 1826 1.61% 54 1690 1.78% 10 340 2.20% 1235 38298 1.93%
7 115 3584 3.17% 95 2968 3.12% 15 467 3.02% 1954 60568 3.06%
8 160 4983 4.40% 133 4140 4.35% 16 502 3.25% 2742 85009 4.29%
9 209 6488 5.73% 176 5466 5.74% 24 768 4.97% 3646 113012 5.70%
10 241 7487 6.61% 196 6081 6.39% 26 821 5.31% 4278 132626 6.69%
11 209 6487 5.73% 173 5389 5.66% 25 804 5.20% 3679 114038 5.76%
12 214 6654 5.88% 174 5411 5.69% 28 873 5.65% 3752 116307 5.87%
13 226 7035 6.21% 188 5844 6.14% 29 901 5.83% 3711 115040 5.81%
14 258 8012 7.08% 220 6833 7.18% 33 1049 6.78% 4519 140076 7.07%
15 253 7851 6.93% 208 6456 6.78% 28 872 5.64% 4429 137291 6.93%
16 232 7205 6.36% 192 5967 6.27% 33 1034 6.69% 3892 120642 6.09%
17 172 5336 4.71% 139 4322 4.54% 26 821 5.31% 2807 87028 4.39%
18 212 6584 5.81% 178 5535 5.82% 32 1011 6.54% 3872 120041 6.06%
19 221 6852 6.05% 190 5898 6.20% 22 708 4.58% 3865 119828 6.05%
20 224 6965 6.15% 199 6187 6.50% 25 796 5.15% 4202 130260 6.58%
21 181 5611 4.96% 147 4557 4.79% 22 694 4.49% 3237 100342 5.07%
22 116 3613 3.19% 98 3042 3.20% 15 489 3.16% 1937 60049 3.03%
23 86 2687 2.37% 76 2356 2.48% 11 361 2.33% 1543 47834 2.41%

Top 30 of 266 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2931 2.59% 47329 2.39% /
2 2502 2.21% 12025 0.61% /style.css
3 2469 2.18% 30717 1.55% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
4 2389 2.11% 135920 6.86% /products_rewrite.asp
5 1493 1.32% 317 0.02% /robots.txt
6 1467 1.30% 13720 0.69% /highslide/highslide.css
7 1330 1.17% 81398 4.11% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
8 1256 1.11% 14144 0.71% /application_rewrite.asp
9 1196 1.06% 684 0.03% /highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur
10 1071 0.95% 606 0.03% /highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur
11 947 0.84% 12685 0.64% /products_app_rewrite.asp
12 779 0.69% 673 0.03% /Product.js
13 495 0.44% 14746 0.74% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
14 474 0.42% 105274 5.31% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
15 366 0.32% 511 0.03%
16 327 0.29% 2429 0.12% /contactus_rewrite.asp
17 231 0.20% 1801 0.09% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
18 227 0.20% 5376 0.27% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp
19 165 0.15% 1698 0.09% /downloads_rewrite.asp
20 141 0.12% 2011 0.10% /sitemap.xml
21 138 0.12% 1050 0.05% /whats-new_rewrite.asp
22 134 0.12% 1035 0.05% /product-recycling_rewrite.asp
23 116 0.10% 1001 0.05% /enquiry-form_rewrite.asp
24 114 0.10% 668 0.03% /news_details_rewrite.asp
25 107 0.09% 85 0.00% /CAPTCHA/CAPTCHA_image.asp
26 106 0.09% 483 0.02% /sitemap.html
27 93 0.08% 558 0.03% /chat_rewrite.asp
28 90 0.08% 674 0.03% /resources.asp
29 52 0.05% 964 0.05% /shoppingCart_rewrite.asp
30 24 0.02% 213 0.01% /adn/Home/LeftNavi.asp

Top 10 of 266 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2389 2.11% 135920 6.86% /products_rewrite.asp
2 474 0.42% 105274 5.31% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
3 1330 1.17% 81398 4.11% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
4 2931 2.59% 47329 2.39% /
5 2469 2.18% 30717 1.55% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
6 495 0.44% 14746 0.74% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
7 1256 1.11% 14144 0.71% /application_rewrite.asp
8 1467 1.30% 13720 0.69% /highslide/highslide.css
9 947 0.84% 12685 0.64% /products_app_rewrite.asp
10 2502 2.21% 12025 0.61% /style.css

Top 10 of 22 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2931 2.59% 2331 43.28% /
2 2469 2.18% 853 15.84% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 2389 2.11% 563 10.45% /products_rewrite.asp
4 1256 1.11% 389 7.22% /application_rewrite.asp
5 947 0.84% 373 6.93% /products_app_rewrite.asp
6 474 0.42% 300 5.57% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 327 0.29% 102 1.89% /contactus_rewrite.asp
8 231 0.20% 78 1.45% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
9 495 0.44% 65 1.21% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
10 114 0.10% 60 1.11% /news_details_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 31 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2931 2.59% 1598 30.29% /
2 2469 2.18% 1058 20.05% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 2389 2.11% 682 12.93% /products_rewrite.asp
4 947 0.84% 436 8.26% /products_app_rewrite.asp
5 1256 1.11% 385 7.30% /application_rewrite.asp
6 474 0.42% 351 6.65% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 327 0.29% 140 2.65% /contactus_rewrite.asp
8 495 0.44% 121 2.29% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
9 231 0.20% 75 1.42% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
10 114 0.10% 64 1.21% /news_details_rewrite.asp

Top 30 of 3289 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1193 1.05% 828 0.87% 25374 1.28% 422 7.58%
2 447 0.39% 431 0.45% 7799 0.39% 3 0.05%
3 437 0.39% 185 0.19% 5956 0.30% 2 0.04%
4 416 0.37% 356 0.37% 7001 0.35% 6 0.11%
5 412 0.36% 334 0.35% 8624 0.44% 3 0.05%
6 404 0.36% 151 0.16% 5101 0.26% 4 0.07%
7 385 0.34% 374 0.39% 9588 0.48% 2 0.04%
8 384 0.34% 184 0.19% 3170 0.16% 2 0.04%
9 376 0.33% 320 0.34% 8655 0.44% 5 0.09%
10 350 0.31% 318 0.33% 12532 0.63% 2 0.04%
11 318 0.28% 68 0.07% 1813 0.09% 1 0.02%
12 312 0.28% 97 0.10% 4408 0.22% 1 0.02%
13 307 0.27% 122 0.13% 5733 0.29% 2 0.04%
14 305 0.27% 295 0.31% 9770 0.49% 2 0.04%
15 300 0.26% 224 0.24% 5160 0.26% 2 0.04%
16 299 0.26% 121 0.13% 3744 0.19% 1 0.02%
17 297 0.26% 91 0.10% 2279 0.12% 4 0.07%
18 284 0.25% 260 0.27% 8855 0.45% 2 0.04%
19 277 0.24% 94 0.10% 2628 0.13% 2 0.04%
20 271 0.24% 248 0.26% 8139 0.41% 173 3.11%
21 270 0.24% 238 0.25% 5084 0.26% 2 0.04%
22 265 0.23% 64 0.07% 1299 0.07% 3 0.05%
23 262 0.23% 213 0.22% 5596 0.28% 73 1.31%
24 254 0.22% 193 0.20% 4201 0.21% 5 0.09%
25 241 0.21% 80 0.08% 2488 0.13% 1 0.02%
26 238 0.21% 160 0.17% 3567 0.18% 3 0.05%
27 233 0.21% 181 0.19% 4352 0.22% 1 0.02%
28 233 0.21% 156 0.16% 4288 0.22% 3 0.05%
29 227 0.20% 120 0.13% 3292 0.17% 2 0.04%
30 226 0.20% 107 0.11% 1735 0.09% 2 0.04%

Top 10 of 3289 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1193 1.05% 828 0.87% 25374 1.28% 422 7.58%
2 350 0.31% 318 0.33% 12532 0.63% 2 0.04%
3 305 0.27% 295 0.31% 9770 0.49% 2 0.04%
4 385 0.34% 374 0.39% 9588 0.48% 2 0.04%
5 284 0.25% 260 0.27% 8855 0.45% 2 0.04%
6 376 0.33% 320 0.34% 8655 0.44% 5 0.09%
7 412 0.36% 334 0.35% 8624 0.44% 3 0.05%
8 271 0.24% 248 0.26% 8139 0.41% 173 3.11%
9 447 0.39% 431 0.45% 7799 0.39% 3 0.05%
10 416 0.37% 356 0.37% 7001 0.35% 6 0.11%

Top 30 of 543 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 51725 45.68%
2 14316 12.64% - (Direct Request)
3 8583 7.58%
4 3464 3.06%
5 3146 2.78%
6 1421 1.25%
7 1414 1.25%
8 1256 1.11%
9 1229 1.09%
10 1200 1.06%
11 1156 1.02%
12 942 0.83%
13 850 0.75%
14 829 0.73%
15 821 0.73%
16 788 0.70%
17 741 0.65%
18 704 0.62%
19 618 0.55%
20 592 0.52%
21 576 0.51%
22 502 0.44%
23 499 0.44%
24 495 0.44%
25 488 0.43%
26 461 0.41%
27 430 0.38%
28 410 0.36%
29 396 0.35%
30 381 0.34%

Top 20 of 161 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 9 3.56% speeder ltd
2 8 3.16% coin operated tokens
3 7 2.77% coin operated machines
4 5 1.98% coin electric timer
5 5 1.98% coin timer
6 4 1.58% coin meters
7 4 1.58% coin operated washi-
8 4 1.58% tokens
9 3 1.19% coin meter
10 3 1.19% coin operated
11 3 1.19% coin operated shower
12 3 1.19% coin operated washing machines
13 3 1.19% microcoin sp manual
14 3 1.19% sunbed timers
15 3 1.19% token
16 2 0.79% casino united kingdom tokens
17 2 0.79% cheap plastic tokens
18 2 0.79% coin box for wahing machine
19 2 0.79% coin mech
20 2 0.79% coin meter for washing machine

Top 15 of 1561 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 3328 2.94% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/5.0)
2 2642 2.33% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1;+rv:5.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/5.0
3 2615 2.31% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+bingbot/2.0;++
4 2390 2.11% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.0;+Trident/5.0)
5 2175 1.92% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+rv:5.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/5.0
6 2092 1.85% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/534.30+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/12.0.742.122+Safari/534.30
7 2091 1.85% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0)
8 1885 1.66% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.0;+rv:5.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/5.0
9 1683 1.49% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/534.30+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/12.0.742.122+Safari/534.30
10 1667 1.47% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/534.30+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/12.0.742.112+Safari/534.30
11 1430 1.26% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/534.30+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/12.0.742.112+Safari/534.30
12 1421 1.25% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+Trident/4.0;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729)
13 1385 1.22% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.0)+AppleWebKit/534.30+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/12.0.742.122+Safari/534.30
14 1311 1.16% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Yahoo!+Slurp;+)
15 1132 1.00% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1)+AppleWebKit/534.30+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/12.0.742.122+Safari/534.30

Usage by Country for July 2011

Top 30 of 57 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 55833 49.31% 47543 49.96% 982063 49.57% US Commercial
2 23431 20.69% 19442 20.43% 407606 20.58% Unresolved/Unknown
3 16899 14.92% 13924 14.63% 288556 14.57% Network
4 9855 8.70% 8119 8.53% 173154 8.74% United Kingdom
5 880 0.78% 749 0.79% 20943 1.06% India
6 734 0.65% 456 0.48% 11835 0.60% Russian Federation
7 692 0.61% 531 0.56% 9892 0.50% Non-Profit Organization
8 685 0.60% 635 0.67% 15528 0.78% Canada
9 511 0.45% 459 0.48% 10774 0.54% Australia
10 398 0.35% 377 0.40% 7806 0.39% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
11 290 0.26% 272 0.29% 5292 0.27% Ireland
12 259 0.23% 244 0.26% 3816 0.19% France
13 248 0.22% 164 0.17% 2832 0.14% Netherlands
14 213 0.19% 150 0.16% 3144 0.16% Romania
15 212 0.19% 161 0.17% 3206 0.16% South Africa
16 202 0.18% 199 0.21% 3765 0.19% Italy
17 191 0.17% 180 0.19% 3020 0.15% Greece
18 159 0.14% 158 0.17% 1938 0.10% Germany
19 152 0.13% 147 0.15% 3575 0.18% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
20 122 0.11% 117 0.12% 2454 0.12% Spain
21 99 0.09% 63 0.07% 1489 0.08% Bahamas
22 95 0.08% 81 0.09% 835 0.04% Sweden
23 91 0.08% 86 0.09% 1557 0.08% Portugal
24 80 0.07% 67 0.07% 1255 0.06% Belgium
25 73 0.06% 69 0.07% 974 0.05% Poland
26 68 0.06% 61 0.06% 1037 0.05% Bermuda
27 64 0.06% 60 0.06% 1084 0.05% Iceland
28 60 0.05% 58 0.06% 1637 0.08% Guatemala
29 60 0.05% 59 0.06% 924 0.05% Kenya
30 51 0.05% 48 0.05% 890 0.04% Malaysia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01