Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2011
Generated 01-Jun-2011 06:01 Central Daylight Time

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2011
Total Hits 96125
Total Files 80184
Total Pages 12677
Total Visits 4783
Total KBytes 1645673
Total Unique Sites 2854
Total Unique URLs 249
Total Unique Referrers 495
Total Unique User Agents 1374
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 129 753
Hits per Day 3100 4496
Files per Day 2586 3743
Pages per Day 408 621
Visits per Day 154 191
KBytes per Day 53086 82720
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 80184
Code 206 - Partial Content 72
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1189
Code 302 - Found 55
Code 304 - Not Modified 8168
Code 400 - Bad Request 62
Code 403 - Forbidden 459
Code 404 - Not Found 5723
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 4
Code 414 - Request-URI Too Long 4
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 205

Daily usage for May 2011

Daily Statistics for May 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2094 2.18% 1812 2.26% 312 2.46% 138 2.89% 130 4.56% 38358 2.33%
2 2767 2.88% 2420 3.02% 445 3.51% 148 3.09% 133 4.66% 52600 3.20%
3 2691 2.80% 2258 2.82% 394 3.11% 143 2.99% 187 6.55% 45751 2.78%
4 3999 4.16% 3370 4.20% 492 3.88% 184 3.85% 214 7.50% 67666 4.11%
5 3728 3.88% 3084 3.85% 395 3.12% 191 3.99% 216 7.57% 63475 3.86%
6 2473 2.57% 2128 2.65% 270 2.13% 151 3.16% 180 6.31% 38710 2.35%
7 2066 2.15% 1863 2.32% 363 2.86% 127 2.66% 150 5.26% 35804 2.18%
8 2385 2.48% 2197 2.74% 316 2.49% 147 3.07% 157 5.50% 39605 2.41%
9 4375 4.55% 3422 4.27% 488 3.85% 176 3.68% 212 7.43% 80228 4.88%
10 3695 3.84% 2956 3.69% 386 3.04% 172 3.60% 170 5.96% 62855 3.82%
11 4496 4.68% 3743 4.67% 557 4.39% 152 3.18% 164 5.75% 82720 5.03%
12 3070 3.19% 2476 3.09% 358 2.82% 147 3.07% 143 5.01% 47768 2.90%
13 3215 3.34% 2424 3.02% 478 3.77% 144 3.01% 150 5.26% 61037 3.71%
14 1898 1.97% 1663 2.07% 356 2.81% 144 3.01% 136 4.77% 31899 1.94%
15 2326 2.42% 2104 2.62% 267 2.11% 136 2.84% 136 4.77% 40276 2.45%
16 3665 3.81% 3212 4.01% 468 3.69% 166 3.47% 173 6.06% 63833 3.88%
17 3919 4.08% 3193 3.98% 621 4.90% 186 3.89% 185 6.48% 64493 3.92%
18 3059 3.18% 2543 3.17% 454 3.58% 136 2.84% 158 5.54% 50400 3.06%
19 3086 3.21% 2376 2.96% 417 3.29% 149 3.12% 152 5.33% 52634 3.20%
20 3326 3.46% 2599 3.24% 429 3.38% 162 3.39% 153 5.36% 55567 3.38%
21 1593 1.66% 1445 1.80% 431 3.40% 121 2.53% 105 3.68% 28677 1.74%
22 2597 2.70% 2078 2.59% 374 2.95% 144 3.01% 128 4.48% 39931 2.43%
23 4432 4.61% 3494 4.36% 470 3.71% 180 3.76% 207 7.25% 71304 4.33%
24 4128 4.29% 3271 4.08% 414 3.27% 146 3.05% 173 6.06% 65909 4.00%
25 3469 3.61% 3023 3.77% 514 4.05% 177 3.70% 195 6.83% 57712 3.51%
26 3651 3.80% 3184 3.97% 384 3.03% 156 3.26% 184 6.45% 60894 3.70%
27 2357 2.45% 2033 2.54% 317 2.50% 163 3.41% 147 5.15% 39271 2.39%
28 2267 2.36% 1874 2.34% 353 2.78% 129 2.70% 145 5.08% 42897 2.61%
29 2091 2.18% 1783 2.22% 345 2.72% 165 3.45% 184 6.45% 37564 2.28%
30 3358 3.49% 2958 3.69% 410 3.23% 151 3.16% 173 6.06% 67702 4.11%
31 3849 4.00% 3198 3.99% 399 3.15% 155 3.24% 155 5.43% 58133 3.53%

Hourly usage for May 2011

Hourly Statistics for May 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 51 1610 1.67% 45 1406 1.75% 9 279 2.20% 932 28894 1.76%
1 30 945 0.98% 25 804 1.00% 7 219 1.73% 504 15636 0.95%
2 33 1031 1.07% 25 790 0.99% 8 269 2.12% 456 14138 0.86%
3 24 774 0.81% 22 690 0.86% 7 242 1.91% 385 11929 0.72%
4 39 1212 1.26% 28 897 1.12% 9 305 2.41% 600 18599 1.13%
5 44 1378 1.43% 35 1097 1.37% 8 255 2.01% 671 20802 1.26%
6 51 1595 1.66% 46 1429 1.78% 7 239 1.89% 919 28489 1.73%
7 96 2995 3.12% 79 2474 3.09% 11 349 2.75% 1566 48533 2.95%
8 144 4471 4.65% 111 3470 4.33% 18 564 4.45% 2430 75321 4.58%
9 172 5356 5.57% 145 4504 5.62% 23 742 5.85% 3174 98408 5.98%
10 184 5721 5.95% 151 4684 5.84% 30 930 7.34% 3219 99784 6.06%
11 201 6247 6.50% 165 5135 6.40% 23 717 5.66% 3646 113028 6.87%
12 149 4645 4.83% 120 3729 4.65% 20 622 4.91% 2529 78409 4.76%
13 208 6462 6.72% 179 5561 6.94% 25 789 6.22% 3614 112036 6.81%
14 212 6601 6.87% 178 5543 6.91% 21 657 5.18% 3633 112633 6.84%
15 250 7775 8.09% 208 6462 8.06% 30 930 7.34% 4226 131012 7.96%
16 167 5194 5.40% 140 4344 5.42% 18 570 4.50% 2974 92191 5.60%
17 146 4532 4.71% 127 3951 4.93% 14 455 3.59% 2407 74632 4.54%
18 167 5183 5.39% 131 4079 5.09% 22 682 5.38% 2864 88775 5.39%
19 184 5721 5.95% 159 4941 6.16% 20 634 5.00% 3043 94346 5.73%
20 187 5811 6.05% 159 4958 6.18% 24 761 6.00% 3435 106495 6.47%
21 177 5493 5.71% 146 4553 5.68% 21 667 5.26% 3058 94811 5.76%
22 96 2982 3.10% 85 2652 3.31% 12 397 3.13% 1534 47563 2.89%
23 77 2391 2.49% 65 2031 2.53% 13 403 3.18% 1265 39210 2.38%

Top 30 of 249 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2543 2.65% 41272 2.51% /
2 2254 2.34% 10860 0.66% /style.css
3 1902 1.98% 107771 6.55% /products_rewrite.asp
4 1749 1.82% 21897 1.33% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
5 1379 1.43% 12604 0.77% /highslide/highslide.css
6 1337 1.39% 275 0.02% /robots.txt
7 1224 1.27% 74341 4.52% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
8 1212 1.26% 14095 0.86% /application_rewrite.asp
9 1126 1.17% 642 0.04% /highslide/graphics/zoomout.cur
10 1100 1.14% 618 0.04% /highslide/graphics/zoomin.cur
11 781 0.81% 10717 0.65% /products_app_rewrite.asp
12 724 0.75% 630 0.04% /Product.js
13 473 0.49% 14123 0.86% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
14 431 0.45% 656 0.04%
15 344 0.36% 106673 6.48% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
16 250 0.26% 1873 0.11% /contactus_rewrite.asp
17 227 0.24% 5718 0.35% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp
18 181 0.19% 1431 0.09% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
19 142 0.15% 1098 0.07% /whats-new_rewrite.asp
20 136 0.14% 1414 0.09% /downloads_rewrite.asp
21 126 0.13% 1003 0.06% /product-recycling_rewrite.asp
22 123 0.13% 1787 0.11% /sitemap.xml
23 112 0.12% 857 0.05% /enquiry-form_rewrite.asp
24 109 0.11% 718 0.04% /news_details_rewrite.asp
25 94 0.10% 526 0.03% /chat_rewrite.asp
26 82 0.09% 344 0.02% /sitemap.html
27 79 0.08% 616 0.04% /resources.asp
28 65 0.07% 52 0.00% /CAPTCHA/CAPTCHA_image.asp
29 24 0.02% 426 0.03% /shoppingCart_rewrite.asp
30 6 0.01% 98 0.01% /submitorder_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 249 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1902 1.98% 107771 6.55% /products_rewrite.asp
2 344 0.36% 106673 6.48% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
3 1224 1.27% 74341 4.52% /highslide/highslide-with-gallery.js
4 2543 2.65% 41272 2.51% /
5 1749 1.82% 21897 1.33% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
6 473 0.49% 14123 0.86% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
7 1212 1.26% 14095 0.86% /application_rewrite.asp
8 1379 1.43% 12604 0.77% /highslide/highslide.css
9 2254 2.34% 10860 0.66% /style.css
10 781 0.81% 10717 0.65% /products_app_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 21 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2543 2.65% 2041 44.15% /
2 1902 1.98% 555 12.01% /products_rewrite.asp
3 1749 1.82% 548 11.85% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
4 1212 1.26% 428 9.26% /application_rewrite.asp
5 781 0.81% 312 6.75% /products_app_rewrite.asp
6 344 0.36% 136 2.94% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 473 0.49% 100 2.16% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
8 181 0.19% 79 1.71% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
9 250 0.26% 69 1.49% /contactus_rewrite.asp
10 227 0.24% 62 1.34% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp

Top 10 of 24 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2543 2.65% 1458 31.90% /
2 1749 1.82% 718 15.71% /products_pro_rewrite.asp
3 1902 1.98% 658 14.40% /products_rewrite.asp
4 1212 1.26% 439 9.61% /application_rewrite.asp
5 781 0.81% 352 7.70% /products_app_rewrite.asp
6 344 0.36% 191 4.18% /startdownload_rewrite.asp
7 473 0.49% 154 3.37% /coin-operated-machines_rewrite.asp
8 250 0.26% 119 2.60% /contactus_rewrite.asp
9 181 0.19% 71 1.55% /aboutus_rewrite.asp
10 227 0.24% 60 1.31% /coin-operated-applications_rewrite.asp

Top 30 of 2854 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1227 1.28% 828 1.03% 27620 1.68% 429 8.97%
2 509 0.53% 257 0.32% 4985 0.30% 4 0.08%
3 467 0.49% 99 0.12% 2746 0.17% 5 0.10%
4 450 0.47% 445 0.55% 9406 0.57% 16 0.33%
5 373 0.39% 279 0.35% 7695 0.47% 6 0.13%
6 372 0.39% 234 0.29% 6877 0.42% 5 0.10%
7 345 0.36% 274 0.34% 6922 0.42% 26 0.54%
8 324 0.34% 300 0.37% 3146 0.19% 12 0.25%
9 318 0.33% 74 0.09% 2265 0.14% 2 0.04%
10 293 0.30% 185 0.23% 2463 0.15% 46 0.96%
11 286 0.30% 245 0.31% 8546 0.52% 3 0.06%
12 282 0.29% 100 0.12% 2739 0.17% 1 0.02%
13 276 0.29% 96 0.12% 2846 0.17% 2 0.04%
14 257 0.27% 250 0.31% 4701 0.29% 12 0.25%
15 254 0.26% 214 0.27% 5007 0.30% 4 0.08%
16 251 0.26% 178 0.22% 4222 0.26% 4 0.08%
17 248 0.26% 73 0.09% 1924 0.12% 1 0.02%
18 242 0.25% 170 0.21% 3196 0.19% 11 0.23%
19 240 0.25% 220 0.27% 11794 0.72% 148 3.09%
20 239 0.25% 182 0.23% 3406 0.21% 3 0.06%
21 226 0.24% 202 0.25% 4703 0.29% 3 0.06%
22 226 0.24% 214 0.27% 3326 0.20% 2 0.04%
23 224 0.23% 201 0.25% 4820 0.29% 4 0.08%
24 224 0.23% 166 0.21% 3471 0.21% 3 0.06%
25 222 0.23% 145 0.18% 2392 0.15% 2 0.04%
26 220 0.23% 100 0.12% 1744 0.11% 2 0.04%
27 218 0.23% 142 0.18% 2509 0.15% 1 0.02% c20525-126398
28 209 0.22% 156 0.19% 4391 0.27% 3 0.06%
29 202 0.21% 190 0.24% 3085 0.19% 2 0.04%
30 201 0.21% 194 0.24% 3220 0.20% 4 0.08%

Top 10 of 2854 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1227 1.28% 828 1.03% 27620 1.68% 429 8.97%
2 240 0.25% 220 0.27% 11794 0.72% 148 3.09%
3 450 0.47% 445 0.55% 9406 0.57% 16 0.33%
4 286 0.30% 245 0.31% 8546 0.52% 3 0.06%
5 373 0.39% 279 0.35% 7695 0.47% 6 0.13%
6 345 0.36% 274 0.34% 6922 0.42% 26 0.54%
7 372 0.39% 234 0.29% 6877 0.42% 5 0.10%
8 143 0.15% 136 0.17% 5369 0.33% 2 0.04%
9 180 0.19% 121 0.15% 5272 0.32% 2 0.04%
10 254 0.26% 214 0.27% 5007 0.30% 4 0.08%

Top 30 of 495 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 41194 42.85%
2 11820 12.30% - (Direct Request)
3 7555 7.86%
4 3409 3.55%
5 2011 2.09%
6 1791 1.86%
7 1581 1.64%
8 1314 1.37%
9 1205 1.25%
10 1125 1.17%
11 1123 1.17%
12 1085 1.13%
13 780 0.81%
14 761 0.79%
15 760 0.79%
16 751 0.78%
17 650 0.68%
18 518 0.54%
19 475 0.49%
20 467 0.49%
21 467 0.49%
22 437 0.45%
23 412 0.43%
24 407 0.42%
25 406 0.42%
26 397 0.41%
27 393 0.41%
28 372 0.39%
29 370 0.38%
30 368 0.38%

Top 20 of 157 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 11 4.95% speeder ltd
2 4 1.80% token -
3 3 1.35% coin operated door locks
4 3 1.35% coin operated locks sup-
5 3 1.35% coin operated meters
6 3 1.35% coin operated showers
7 3 1.35% coin operated timer-
8 3 1.35% coin timer box
9 3 1.35% electricity metre prices
10 3 1.35% meig coin meter
11 2 0.90% coin box timers
12 2 0.90% coin exit and entry systems
13 2 0.90% coin mech door lock
14 2 0.90% coin meter
15 2 0.90% coin meters for washing machines
16 2 0.90% coin operate timer
17 2 0.90% coin operated -
18 2 0.90% coin operated box
19 2 0.90% coin operated door lock-
20 2 0.90% coin operated internet prices

Top 15 of 1374 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2909 3.03% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1;+rv:2.0.1)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/4.0.1
2 2007 2.09% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+Trident/5.0)
3 1824 1.90% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+bingbot/2.0;++
4 1747 1.82% Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+U;+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_6_7;+en-us)+AppleWebKit/533.21.1+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/5.0.5+Safari/533.21.1
5 1438 1.50% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.0;+Trident/5.0)
6 1359 1.41% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+Yahoo!+Slurp;+)
7 1225 1.27% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+rv:2.0.1)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/4.0.1
8 1116 1.16% Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+9.0;+Windows+NT+6.1;+Trident/5.0)
9 963 1.00% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1)
10 962 1.00% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+rv:2.0.1)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/4.0.1
11 870 0.91% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/534.24+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/11.0.696.65+Safari/534.24
12 839 0.87% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/534.24+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/11.0.696.68+Safari/534.24
13 770 0.80% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+5.1)+AppleWebKit/534.24+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/11.0.696.68+Safari/534.24
14 748 0.78% Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.0;+rv:2.0.1)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/4.0.1
15 724 0.75% Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+8.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+Trident/4.0;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729)

Usage by Country for May 2011

Top 30 of 54 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 45797 47.64% 38059 47.46% 775422 47.12% US Commercial
2 22801 23.72% 19419 24.22% 389797 23.69% Unresolved/Unknown
3 13160 13.69% 10588 13.20% 217367 13.21% Network
4 7986 8.31% 6751 8.42% 151375 9.20% United Kingdom
5 762 0.79% 578 0.72% 12512 0.76% Ireland
6 587 0.61% 443 0.55% 15464 0.94% Russian Federation
7 461 0.48% 300 0.37% 5514 0.34% Non-Profit Organization
8 435 0.45% 368 0.46% 6408 0.39% India
9 371 0.39% 350 0.44% 6718 0.41% Canada
10 359 0.37% 271 0.34% 6698 0.41% Netherlands
11 353 0.37% 338 0.42% 6499 0.39% Australia
12 261 0.27% 238 0.30% 4470 0.27% Old style Arpanet (arpa)
13 232 0.24% 155 0.19% 2993 0.18% Bulgaria
14 214 0.22% 193 0.24% 4806 0.29% Belgium
15 193 0.20% 184 0.23% 2675 0.16% France
16 155 0.16% 144 0.18% 3378 0.21% Poland
17 155 0.16% 129 0.16% 1942 0.12% Slovak Republic
18 138 0.14% 136 0.17% 2084 0.13% Germany
19 124 0.13% 112 0.14% 1846 0.11% Italy
20 121 0.13% 93 0.12% 2636 0.16% South Africa
21 118 0.12% 118 0.15% 2211 0.13% Czech Republic
22 114 0.12% 110 0.14% 1115 0.07% Sweden
23 89 0.09% 86 0.11% 1435 0.09% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
24 85 0.09% 79 0.10% 1495 0.09% Portugal
25 79 0.08% 69 0.09% 1421 0.09% Austria
26 77 0.08% 74 0.09% 2308 0.14% Estonia
27 70 0.07% 64 0.08% 1055 0.06% US Educational
28 70 0.07% 65 0.08% 1289 0.08% Greece
29 61 0.06% 59 0.07% 956 0.06% Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
30 55 0.06% 46 0.06% 1015 0.06% Denmark

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01